Dialects of the Body

Dialects of the Body explores the body’s sinuous division of interiority and exteriority.

Silent Scream mutedly records the artist scream for as long and as loud as possible, with a breath in between, until reaching the brink of her body. The performative video aims to test physical boundaries, which is contrasted against the RBG tone of her blood, marked through a red square adjacent to the video projection.  Painted to the average size of the human face, the notion of expectation and realization are at play.

Video work Kul Shay Imkassr Lazim Embellash Min Jadeed recites a phrase that was echoed in early demonstrations across Syria, which translates to ‘Everything is broken, we must begin again’. As the mantra continues, Naim begin to repeat it incorrectly. The repetition offers distancing rather than familiarization, where the phrase becomes abstract and meaningless over time. The video indicates towards the performative nature of broadcasted news, which is voiced through its old domestic TV screen installation, where tragic events are often heard or unheard.